Strengthen Your Lower Back by Working these Muscle Groups

Strengthen Your Lower Back by Working these Muscle Groups

I often meet people in my exercises classes with lower back pain.  This is so common.  It is estimated 70% of the population struggles with back pain.  How can you work your back to cut down or eliminate visits to the Chiropractor?    Joseph Pilates had it right, work your core.  I am not talking just the front of the core,…

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Why Do I Need a Mind Body Connection?

Why Do I Need a Mind Body Connection?

It sounds silly but having a good mind body connection can keep you from falling. You walk around aware of your body. If you trip, you can feel it and stop yourself from falling. A good mind body connection can also help you sense if something is wrong with your body. It could save your life by catching an early…

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Cardio vs Strength Training

Cardio vs Strength Training

I must admit, I do not do cardio as much as I used to.  One reason why, is that it hurts.  Walking is good, but jumping, no way.  Also, I have not noticed a big difference in my heart rate or weight by doing more strength training as opposed to cardio.  My own experience tells me strength training, (Barre, Pilates,…

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Dynamic Stretching vs Static Stretching

Dynamic Stretching vs Static Stretching

What is difference between Static stretching and Dynamic stretching? Static stretching is where you hold a stretch for 15-30 seconds, or if you are doing Yin yoga, you hold the stretches for even longer, 1-3 minutes. Dynamic stretching, or active stretching is moving in and out of the stretch. What is better Static or Dynamic Stretching? There is evidence Static…

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Classical Pilates – There is Magic in the Sequence

Classical Pilates – There is Magic in the Sequence

I was trained in Classical Pilates Mat sequence in June of 2015, and I am a full believer there is Magic in the sequence. You work your abs, back, hips, shoulders, and thighs in a way that realigns your body. In the 1920’s Joseph Pilates opened his first “Contrology” studio. He did not called Pilates, Pilates, he called in Contrology…

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Fat vs Muscle

Fat vs Muscle

We have all heard the saying fat weighs less than muscle. I am a big believer in this. Since I started doing barre in 2015, I have noticed the number on the scale never really went down, but my body changed, somewhat sort of. I have never been small, I have never really dieted (I believe in lifestyle changes not…

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